Sometimes no comment is required

Sarah has moved her September 3 Iowa Tea Party appearance from the tractor field to the launching pad for the national Hot Air Balloon Classic.

You’ll have to make your own jokes about this.

I’m simply not going to take the bait.

15 Responses to “Sometimes no comment is required”

  • It’s so Wizard of Oz-ish …

  • mitch:

    Maybe she can con one of the balloon pilots to whisk her back to Oz. Permanently. Along with her family and the rest of her munchkins.

  • suzie:

    “When you are being run out of town, get in front of the crowd and make it look like a parade”

  • CougInPortland:

    Sometimes jokes make themselves without any intervention whatsoever.

  • Desert Dog:

    Methinks that if The Quitter DOSN’T announce she’s running at this event, then her cult members will go non-linear. They will NOT be happy campers. The poles will flip and swarms of locus will munch over fly-over territory.

    This has got to be it. This event or nothing. And the hot-air metaphor is perfect.

    Great will be there! Faux will be there! Holy cow! It’s gotta happen.

    Joe: Are you still thinking that she won’t run? What can she possibly say in her speech (if she doesn’t announce there) that could placate the crowd? Thoughts?

    Desert Dog

  • DKey:

    It looks like a lovely Balloon Festival, and I’m sure all the people there are really creative and nice. But Add Sarah Palin to the mix and all I can think of is “Oh, the Humanity!” Sorry. Too soon?

  • Millie:

    She goes where the crowds are so that she doesn’t have to form her own. Anyone figured that our yet?


    You’re right on target. $arah needed a new location with a ready-made crowd since the turn out for the TP’ers was pitiful. I can’t help but wonder how the the people who are going to this event feel now that it has been turned into a rally for Palin. I know I’d be pissed if I had plans to go somewhere and then found out she was going to be there after the plans had been made and paid for. I hope they lose a lot of people who had planned on going but have changed their mind since Palin is going to be screeching at the event.

  • Sally:

    So is she now the Wizard of AZ?
    Last time I checked the site, 236 had RSVPed to this group that was founded in May. Seems like it’s another shell group formed to give Palin a platform and a paycheck, and then it will disappear.

  • SCmommy:

    Then she better watch out for falling houses!

  • Some people are assuming that the Palin appearance is an add-on to the Hot Air Balloon Classic. Actually, the latter event has already been held, July 29-Aug 5. The Tea Party of America event is on the grounds of, but not contemporaneous with, the balloon event.

  • Phil Blythe:

    Turn off the burners and save the gas, there’ll be more hot air than the whole fleet needs.

  • MO Inkslinger:

    Maybe one of those old balloons will be handy to whisk the Queen Esther up in to the heavens to have a have a little one-on-one (or maybe one-on-1/2) with God about her rightful position in the Oval Office.

  • Tony Montana:

    Oh if only there were a way to be crowned Ms. America commander in chief without submitting to degrading nosy questions from ANYONE (except her employer ofcourse). That is QEII’s (Queen Esther the Second’s) qwest.

  • rm:

    Bill Maher New Rules on Bachmann and Palin